Well the continueing saga of DNA testing. My brother's third test is being processed. His wife sent hers in with his second test and it is processed and results are in. Next day I recieve word that his failed again; and the third test was on it's way. I also got our mother a test and activated it about the same time as my brothers third test. She has as of yet not done her part. Waiting on her to spit (maybe she hasn't because it's not lady like...LOL). I also found out that my cousin (my mother's brother's daughter) has done the test and it will be interesting to have that extra data to compare.
So we wait some more to get the other mysteries solved about my father, brother and I. We will have the info for my brother's children since both he and his wife have been tested.
On a further note, I went up north this summer to visit my father and a cousin of my mother's. This cousin (Gisele) lives on the property that my great grand parents owned. I remember visiting it a number of times when I was a child. Her husband took me out 4 wheeling to view the property and see the evidence of an old homestead. It was amazing and I had never gotten to go back there when I was younger. I also grabbed a piece of bedrock to take home with me. They told me how my great grand father first started dating great grand ma. It was the classic tale of church picnic. The girls would bring a picnic lunch and the boys would bid to buy the lunch as a fund raiser. The winning bid would get to eat the lunch with the girl who's lunch they bought. Great grand pa Noel told his best friend that he was going to buy great grand ma Aldea's picnic and marry her. His freind said that that wasn't going to happen, as he was going to buy it. As you can guess that didn't work out for him. Great grand pa won the bid and they did go on to marry and have a large family and many more decendents. I can't wait to visit them again and 'Remember When...' together.